February 2024 Round Up
There’s one question that I’ve heard non-stop since I started sharing my home projects online and that’s “So what’s next?” Usually I have a list of projects waiting in the wings so it’s easy to ramble off an answer to that question….but sometime at the end of last year I had a small epiphany and realized that right now the real answer to the question of What’s Next is it’s me simply ENJOYING my home!

Now before you say “Wait didn’t you just share a list of the DIYs you have planned for this year in your last post?” of course I still have projects on my wish list, even a few rooms that I’m itching to give a 2nd makeover, but the non-stop home improvement pace that has consumed so much of my life for the last decade suddenly doesn’t feel as urgent as it used to. I’m finally at the stage where I can sit comfortably in my house and not just see a running to-do list when I look around. I’ve finally got the functionality of our home not only just working but working in a way that actually makes me happy! And honestly what have I been working so hard towards all these years if it wasn’t the day where I can put my feet up and feel content with the spaces I’ve created? For me I think those days are here and it’s up to me to make sure I give myself the time to enjoy them.

Decorative Boxes aren’t just for Decoration
I’m a big believer in decorating with a purpose – meaning that before you fill your space with non-essential decor make sure you functional needs are covered. And in my home if you see a box on a shelf, you can be sure it’s being used to store something and not just collecting dust. Baking tools, computer cords, office supplies….whatever tends to end up in a messy junk drawer usually makes it’s way to box in a spot where they’re easy to reach when I need it. I like to purchase multiple matching boxes at the same time to keep things even cleaner. Bonus if they have a spot for a label!

Floating Shelves
I’ve seen a lot of backlash over floating shelves recently and while I do think that there’s some valid concern with going overboard with them, especially in the kitchen, I’m still going to preach their usefulness as a design element especially spaces that need a visual lift. Three of my favorite places to add a floating shelf – 1) over a bedroom headboard, 2) in the bathroom either behind a bathtub or the toilet, and 3) over a television / media console.

Winter Recipes Part 2
I’ve unfortunately spent most of February battling a really nasty cough and when I don’t feel well my motivation to cook goes wayyyyy down, but here’s a few tasty meals I managed to put together this month:

Slight change up to my monthly bookshelf section for 2024 because I have been reading pretty nonstop for the last two months and have far surpassed my one book a month goal and I really want to keep that pace going! So each month I’m going to dump all the books I’ve read and enjoyed into this space for anyone looking for some titles to check out.
- Happy Place by Emily Henry
- Extremely Online: The Untold Story of Fame, Influence, and Power on the Internet by Taylor Lorenz
- The Guest by Emma Cline
- Here She Is: The Complicated Reign of the Beauty Pageant in America by Hilary Levey Friedman
- Yellowface by R.F. Kuang
- I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy

DIY Marble Shelf
If you like the look of marble but not the price tag contact paper is a great cost friendly DIY tool. To make my “marble” shelf I cut a 1×6 pine board down to size, sanded it down, and covered it in contact paper. Pair it with a pair of decorative metal brackets and you’ll add a nice dose of “texture” to any space.