One Room Challenge Week Six – A Series of Unfortunate Events
No matter how strong I start, how well I plan, or how much ahead of the game I think I am…..by the time Week Six rolls around I’m scrambling to get everything left on my list done! At least now that Halloween and Fall sports are done I’ve got two ORC filled weekends ahead to make it happen.
Week 1 / Week 2 / Week 3 / Week 4 / Week 5 / Week 6 / Week 7 / Week 8
Last week I talked about all the furniture I re-used for this space, now this week we’re going to talk about what I had to build….and how it just about drove me to the edge!

To hold my boys ever growing LEGO collection, I decided to turn the desk into a full on built in and take it all the way to the ceiling. The center part was easiest enough to build and install, if not the easiest to lug up the stairs….then things went a bit wonky.

To complete the look, I also built two side pieces to hug the ceiling on either side of center cabinet, and thought I was being super smart by installing support pieces that would allow me to just slide them into place and add some screws. But I totally forgot about the window trim on the right hand side! Not only could I not slide it into place — but as I was trying to figure out what to do it fell off the support piece, broke the bracket underneath the desk I had just finished, and also broke GOB’s LEGO set that he had just finished and was super proud of. A true DIY FAIL that I actually caught on video and you can catch on my Instagram account if you want a good laugh.

Thankfully I didn’t end up ruining the wallpaper, was able to fix the desk, and promised GOB I’d rebuild his LEGO set for him. I ended up having to take the box apart, trim an inch off, and then me and my husband were finally able to shimmy it up into place and I could move onto priming and painting…..but it definitely put me a few days behind that I need to make up.

Right now things feel like an absolute mess in here and I still have to finish two more DIYs, put the trimwork back on, hang the artwork, and style + organized the space….and I really want to tackle finishing that closet because I know I’ll NOT have the motivation to go back to it. But first, I gotta finish painting these damn shelves! While I do that enjoy my Week Six video, which does contain the moment I realized that I was about to have my HUGE problem and a special guest star hiding under the desk.

And don’t forget to check out what all the other featured and guest participants are up to each week on the One Room Challenge blog!